
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Much Better!

The dark backing has been replaced with the new lighter backing.  Making the change wasn't nearly as difficult as I had imagined.  Hand quilting rips out much faster than it goes in!  Yes, I lost some time, but I think it will be worth it in the long run!


  1. Good for you girl! I know you will enjoy this quilt.

  2. The new backing is so much better! Good for you being brave enough to take it apart and start over! :0)

  3. Perfect! It's very complementary to the quilt without over powering it.

  4. The fabrics look stunning and really complment each other. Greatchoice Susan. They look like they are meqant to be. hugs

  5. You will be much happier with the light. I am sure it will be worth the extra work down the road.

  6. You will be much happier with the quilt with a backing you love. Otherwise everytime you see it, it would have bugged you! Love the new backing choice! Much better!

  7. A lot of work, but worth it, I'm sure! You do such great work!

  8. Yeah! Glad you chose to do some "reverse"'ll be so much happier with the end product...

  9. Oh yes, that is much better, and if you happy, then that is all that counts.... Looks wonderful!

  10. I agree with your choice, although your quilting stitches won't show as much now. For me, that would be another advantage.

  11. It's always worth being happy with your work! And I agree -- the new backing is much better.


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