
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Half The Calories?

No bake cookies are a favorite of mine, but I rarely make them because I will inevitably eat the entire batch myself.  Yesterday it occurred to me that if I cut the recipe in half that the calories would also be cut in half.  Brilliant!  Ok, maybe not so brilliant, but please humor me!

Small Batch No Bake Cookies

1 cup sugar
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup milk
2 tablespoons cocoa
1/4 cup peanut butter
1 1/2 cups quick cooking oats
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

In a medium saucepan, combine sugar, milk, butter, and cocoa. Bring to a boil, and cook for 1 1/2 minutes. Remove from heat, and stir in peanut butter, oats, and vanilla. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto wax paper. Let cool until hardened. 

Yield: 18 cookies


  1. I love these! I can't make less though as they would be gone in 5 minutes with all the grandchildren and hubby here!

  2. For the very same reason I rarely make chocolate crackle cookies. But I really like your idea of half a batch!

  3. I love these too and rarely make them for the same reason! I'll have to try half a batch and see if that works or not!

  4. Oh...I love no bake cookies and these were always great when the boys would have alot of friends over...thanks for the receipe.

  5. I like the way you reason! I don't eat a lot of sweets but have to agree..if these are around I'll eat them all.

  6. ha, ha I have the very same problem!! I cannot make Chocolate Chip cookies (we use M&M's) because I will stand there as they come out of the oven, and test each batch!!! I mean after all, it is for the safety of my family, right??

  7. I like your thinking and couldn't agree more!

  8. I love these cookies but I can do you one better. I always halve the half recipe so that I don't have to feel guilty when I eat them all.

  9. Susan I like your thinking! That's my way of counting calories;-)

  10. Sounds logical to me! Yummy too!

  11. I don't know anything about eating 1/2...if I don't eat the whole was only because I was very sick. That includes batches and packages too :)


  12. Oh my! You are a genius!!! Miss you.

  13. These sound delish, I must give this a try!!


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