
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Knitted Dish Scrubbie

I do love hand knit dishcloths, so when I found this tutorial for a knitted dish scrubbie I wanted to try it right away.  The only problem was that I didn't have any tulle on hand and the nearest Joann Fabrics is over an hour drive from here, so the project would have to wait...or would it?  I started to think of something that I could use as a substitute and  it occurred to me that an onion bag is made from something similar to tulle, so why not try that?  I started cutting the bag at one end, around and around, which created a long strip of mesh about an inch wide.  One onion bag made just enough "mesh yarn" to knit this 3" x 3" scrubbie.  No waiting, no two hour drive, no additional cost, one less onion bag in the landfill, and sparkling clean dishes besides...what a great deal!


  1. You are BRILLIANT! I would have never thought of that.

  2. they also make great little thread grabbers! just swipe them across the quilts and they will catch the excess threads.

  3. very cool. i was just about to throw away one of those onion bags.

  4. What a great idea! And what a cute scrubber! :0)

  5. Love it!!! An excuse to buy onions. ;o)

  6. Susan - What a cool idea - both the scrubbie and your very creative interpretation!! Thanks so much for sharing!! Kris

  7. I would like to place an order please...:)

  8. I love the little knitted wash rags, but I've never heard of knitting in the tulle (or onion bags!). Great idea! I bet you could also use one of those bath scrubbers once they start to fall apart.

  9. You clever thing you, what a great idea.


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