
Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I've never been very good at making or keeping New Year's resolutions, but this year I am going to make one and do my very best to keep it!  In 2011 I am going to try my best to make one quilt a month to donate to the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative.  Last month researchers at the University of Michigan announced the development of promising new tools in the fight against Alzheimer's which was funded, in part, by donations from AAQI.  Yes, these tiny quilts are helping in the fight and each quilt donated makes a difference!  If you have never made a Priority: Alzheimer's Quilt won't you resolve to make at least one in the coming year?  If you have donated to AAQI in the past, why not try to make 1 or 12 more this year?

To find out more about the research being done at the University of Michigan read the article, Unraveling Alzheimer's: Simple small molecules could untangle complex disease.


  1. Perfect way to start the year! You challenged me!

  2. That was such exciting news!! I do plan on making more this year. Love your little one.

  3. That is the best type of resolution!

  4. What a wonderful resolution to make. As the daughter and daughter-in-law to two ladies who had Alzheimer's, I thank you!

  5. How wonderful, I admire your goal for this year. Too late for my mum but it's so wonderful to know every little bit is helping.

  6. Awesome goal Susan!!!!! And I know you will keep it! I have made the same goal for myself so now I am sure I will keep it as I follow your progress. Maybe we can coordinate a blog challenge for AAQI. What do you think?

  7. Thank you for this. My mom has lived with this disease for 17 years. I'm all for helping out.


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