
Monday, January 17, 2011

IHAN Is Coming To The MLQG!

I think most quilt bloggers are familiar with Kelly Jackson, owner/operator of the online quilt shop, I Have a Notion.  Kelly has fast made a name for herself and her business within the quilting world by operating an online store with the same amount of personal attention that you would find in any local quilt shop.  Kelly lives in Ohio, but she also has family ties to Pennsylvania and visits here on occasion.  Luckily, her most recent visit (read about it HERE) came at the same time as a scheduled monthly meeting of the Mountain Laurel Quilt Guild and Kelly agreed to be our special guest speaker for the evening!  From what I understand, Kelly has all of her favorite quilting notions and gadgets with her and will be demonstrating many of them for us tonight and of course all will be for sale.  It promises to be a very fun guild meeting and visitors are always welcome, so please join us if you are in the area!


  1. Should prove to be a fun night! Kelly is such a sweetheart!

  2. I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo jealous...I am sure you will have a crazy evening with that gal...lots of don't drink too much that day.

  3. Oh wow this would be SO much fun! Enjoy Kelly.

  4. Susan, y'all are going to be having a totally fun meeting! Kelly is an awesome one-woman dynamo....

  5. I wish I were at my Mom's, I would have come too.


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