
Monday, January 31, 2011

Cherry Bomb

Yarn Bombing - The activity of covering things in public spaces (e.g. lampposts, trees, statues etc.) with knitted materials.

I will admit it, I am fascinated with the idea of yarn bombing!  When I read that a group was seeking help to yarn bomb a cherry tree at the historic Joy Kogawa House in Vancouver I thought it would be a fun project for my oldest granddaughter and I to do together.  We did a bit of research and found out some interesting facts about one of Canada’s most beloved writers, Joy Kogawa.  After learning about the importance of this special cherry tree, we both agreed that it would be fun to contribute to this project!  We each crocheted a small flower from some sparkly pink yarn that will help Joy's historic cherry tree bloom just a little early this spring and we had so much fun making these flowers that we may crochet a few more to encourage an "early spring" here at home too! 

If you would like to learn more about this project or yarn bombing in general, visit


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