
Monday, December 27, 2010

On The Road Again

Despite the blowing and drifting snow, my oldest granddaughter and I are traveling to the Philadelphia area this morning to spend the week with the lil' cowboy and his parents.  I wish that the roads outside were as warm and dry as they are on the My Little Town play quilt that I made for the lil' cowboy's second birthday, but I'm certainly not going to let a little snow keep us from all of the fun we have planned for the week!


  1. oh be careful-I think the coast is getting hammered w/snow!
    I quilted that same quilt for a friends grandson-too cute!

  2. Have a wonderful time! Be safe!!

  3. A little snow? Our tv is showing mounds and mounds of snow. You better take some quilts, hot chocolate and cookies just in case! Have fun!!!

  4. Safe travels and have a wonderful visit.

  5. I hope your trip is safe. I should put that playmat on the list for next year for my grandson, it's a great idea.

  6. Hope you're having a great holiday. Happy New Year Susan!


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