
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Quilting On A Prayer

I really REALLY wanted the backing for the lil' cowboy's quilt to be a solid piece of the Buzz Lightyear fabric, but once the top was finished I realized that it was just about the same size as the backing fabric.  Now the "rule" is that the backing fabric should be 6-8 inches larger than the quilt top on all sides.  Rules are made to be broken, right?  I loaded the Buzz backing, said a little prayer and started quilting.  I was sweating a bit by the time I got to the last couple of rows of quilting, but as you can see, I had a whole 2 inches to spare!


  1. I break rules all the time (sewing rules...nothing else! LOL) and it usually turns out OK! :0)

  2. Wow! That was close ,glad you was able to sqeeze it in ,I've had those close calls before too, sometimes Mom will make a cut right down the middle of the backing and add another wide strip of a contrasting color,they look ok as long as it is staright .

  3. Amen and amen! Glad that this is turning out so well for the little Buzz Buddy!!!



  4. I've done the same thing on my own quilt many times! Lucky gal you are indeed!!

  5. Wow....amazing how that worked....glad it turned out for you.

  6. Yea for trying (and praying!)! I've had that work before, especially when it is small.
    I've not had as much luck when it's big though...


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