
Monday, October 25, 2010

I Won!

I entered several giveaways during the Fall Into Fall Quilter's Giveaway extravaganza and I was the lucky winner of this beautiful fall bag and accessories from The Quilting Booklady! Becky's blog was a new to me blog and I'm so glad to have found it! She is working on some great projects and shares fantastic quilty ideas...I see an ironing board cover just like the one she just finished in my future!


  1. Wow, Susan... you really racked up the loot! How fun!!!!!

  2. Wow ! I love the fabric she used for those. I wonder if i missed hers, I don't remember seeing them but congratulations! I need to check out her Blog too.

  3. I love all of the wonderful fall fabrics. Congratulations.

  4. Your photo looks fabulous. Thanks for the kind words about the giveaway and my blog. Loved seeing the bag on another blog:)

  5. Congratulations on your winnings! Love those fall fabrics.


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