
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Yo Mama's Big Fat Booties

I just love this slipper sock pattern! I'm not sure if it's because the socks knit up fast with worsted weight wool, because they fit so nicely and keep my feet toasty warm or just because I love the name of the pattern so much...Yo Mama's Big Fat Booties! Either way, this pattern makes a great pair of slipper socks!.


  1. Those look so warm and comfy! Love the name of the pattern! :0)

  2. I looked at my side bar and I thought you were insulting my Momma!!! Good thing it was only the title of a pattern....giggles. But, my momma does have a "large" bootie. (I've taught the boys that the word fat relates to animals and large is reserved for people)

    The socks look wonderful...warm and cozy.


  3. Cute booties! And what a hilarious name!!

  4. They sure look warm . I wonder if Mom has the instrutions for those !She makes slippers alot ,I am still trying to find the pattern to a favorite she made me years ago and cannot find .They fit me so good , she thinks someone borrowed the book and did not return it.

  5. LOVE IT!! Cute! Makes me want to learn how to do, maybe not, too many irons in the fire already. : )

  6. Love your big fat booties....and the name is cute.


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