
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Quilt Therapy

I was in desperate need of some stress management the other day, so I decided to load this disappearing nine-patch on the frame just so I could quilt a few rows. Before I knew it, two hours had passed and the quilting was done! I followed up with a bit of therapeutic hand stitching on the binding. In no time the quilt was finished and I was feeling MUCH better! There really isn't anything better for relieving stress than spending a little time with a needle and thread.


  1. Oh...I SO agree!!! LOVE that quilt, too...such bright, pretty colors!!!

  2. It's a cute, happy quilt and probably just what you needed!

  3. There is nothing like a little quilting therapy. Looks great.

  4. How true your words are. Great job and a very cheerful quilt.

  5. I agreee!! What a terrific quilt.

  6. It's so pretty! I love it! :0)

  7. Quilting Therapy is the best - especially straight lines where the time just seems to pass by. It is the reason why I quilt.

  8. And how could you be stressed working on such a bright cheerful quilt.

  9. WOW that is a stress reliever for the colors, brings a smile just looking at it! I love doing bindings...especially when stress is bearing down on me! It is relaxing for me, just the slide of the needle thru the fabric does it for me! Have a great week, hopefully less stress!

  10. love the colours in your quilt your a very talented lady indeed

  11. love the quilt the colours are great nothing like quilt therapy to cheer you up

  12. No argument from me--needle + thread + fabric = stress reduction.
    Love those bright fabrics.

  13. What a beautiful and bright, happy quilt!

  14. What vibrant colors. Great quilt.

  15. fun quilt! I'm always amazed at how time flies when I'm quilting.

  16. Oh...what a happy quilt! Love it in the bright colors.

  17. Good for you ... like Mary Lou Weidman's quilt says "I feel like a witch when I don't get to stitch" ...

    GREAT colors!


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